Vloggercon couldnt have turned out better.
On January 22, 2005...about 60 people spent the whole day talking about video on the internet.
The what, how, why, and what's the come.
The underlying theme and excitement was the realization that posting videoblogs can make us closer then we have ever been before.
I think everything went so well because people wanted it to happen.
The event was so unofficial and put together so quickly (less than 3 weeks) that I think everyone felt they owned it.
People from around the country and Europe flew in to talk about videoblogging.
Special thanks go out to:
ITP for giving us the space and hospitality.
Shawn Van Every (a huge thanks) and Jeff Galusha who rocked the video stream/IRC chat all day.
Ryan Hodson and Steve Garfield for coordinating the events, creating this blog, and making the flyers.
Jakob Lodwick for hosting 2(!) videoblogging get-togethers at his loft.
Peter Van Dijck and Maria who kept everyone caffeinated and fed all day.
Eric Botticelli for making the name badges.
Chris Weagal for doing much of the camera work for the stream.
(and AVID for the little somethingsomething)
On January 22, 2005...about 60 people spent the whole day talking about video on the internet.
The what, how, why, and what's the come.
The underlying theme and excitement was the realization that posting videoblogs can make us closer then we have ever been before.
I think everything went so well because people wanted it to happen.
The event was so unofficial and put together so quickly (less than 3 weeks) that I think everyone felt they owned it.
People from around the country and Europe flew in to talk about videoblogging.
Special thanks go out to:
ITP for giving us the space and hospitality.
Shawn Van Every (a huge thanks) and Jeff Galusha who rocked the video stream/IRC chat all day.
Ryan Hodson and Steve Garfield for coordinating the events, creating this blog, and making the flyers.
Jakob Lodwick for hosting 2(!) videoblogging get-togethers at his loft.
Peter Van Dijck and Maria who kept everyone caffeinated and fed all day.
Eric Botticelli for making the name badges.
Chris Weagal for doing much of the camera work for the stream.
(and AVID for the little somethingsomething)